Capturing Photons Since Last Century
Ever since I was a child, I’ve been obsessed with capturing photons from the distant past. Armed with modest gear and my love for astronomy and astrophotography, I set out to absorb light particles in all of their raw form and preserve the beauty of distant planets and deep sky objects forever, adding my interpretation in the painstaking processing of each image.
I have also decided that this site will be a place where I can share the beauty of this planet we live in, so in it you will find my efforts to share the places I have had the good fortune to visit.
Smart Telescope Astrophotography
These photos were taken with the ultra-portable, fully integrated, smart telescope SeeStar S50. These little telescopes make astrophotography easy for anyone with minimal knowledge of how to use an iPad, iPhone or Android phone, and how to set up a camera on a tripod.
A hobby that used to be very expensive and frustrating is now accessible to anyone with the desire to learn and the willingness to spend a few hours understanding some basic concepts.